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Reykjavik is the capital and largest city of Iceland, located in the south of the country on the shores of Vaxavluy Bay. It is one of the cities rich in picturesque natural areas, where you will be able to see many fjords, archipelagos, mountains, waterfalls, forests, lakes, and others. This city has many unique tourist attractions, as it is one of the few cities in the world where the amazing lights of the Northern Lights can be seen, and it is also one of the few cities where the sun sets in the summer after 12 am. The city was founded in the year 1786, so it is a relatively modern city, and it is one of the safest cities in the world. During your wanderings, you will find many wonderful attractions, including the parish church and the Icelandic National Museum, in which you will learn about the history of the city and the country in detail.
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