Dhofar Governorate Travel: Best Things to Do in Dhofar Governorate

Tourism in Dhofar Governorate
Dhofar is a wonderful tourist destination all year round. It has warm, sunny winters that attract people from all over the world. During the summer months, the region is visited by the annual monsoon (known locally as “khareef”) which transforms it into a green wonderland. The mountains fog, waterfalls appear overnight, and the valleys attract migratory birds and camel caravans, as the governorate is considered an ideal refuge from the extreme heat spreading in the rest of the regions of Oman and the Gulf states. This area, located in the far south of Amman, includes many unique attractions, including the Tomb of the Prophet Ayoub, which is located deep in the mountains, and the Land of Frankincense, which is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area also provides the opportunity for deep-sea diving and snorkeling off the coast of the Helaniya Islands.