Lebanon Travel: Best Things to Do in Lebanon

Tourism in Lebanon
It is an Arab country located in the Middle East, specifically in the west of the Asian continent, bordered by Syria to the north and east, Palestine to the south, and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea from the west. It is a democratic, republican, sectarian country whose population is mostly Muslim and Christian Arabs. Unlike most Arab countries, there is an active presence of Christians in public and political life. Lebanon is considered one of the countries of the Levant, and it is similar to the rest of the Levant countries in its delicious dishes, and its traditional dances such as the dabkeh, and the accents are also similar. Despite the small area of Lebanon, it is one of the countries that has a rich history of events, as some of the first human civilizations such as the Phoenicians were settled in it, and many great empires have passed through it throughout history. Civilizations. Lebanon is also characterized by its beautiful nature and its beautiful moderate climate.