Hebron Travel: Best Things to Do in Hebron

Tourism in Hebron
Hebron is one of the Palestinian cities and one of the oldest cities in the world, with its origin dating back to 6000 BC. The city is characterized by a geographical location that overlooks the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea from the east and the Palestinian coastal plain from the west. Hebron is located 37 km south of Jerusalem and is the largest city in the southern half of the West Bank. The city has a distinct historical and religious status, so it is a source of attraction for tourists from all over the world. The city contains many prominent historical monuments, including the Ibrahimi Mosque, the Sultan’s Pool, the Muskobiyyeh Church, Ramat al-Khalil, and the Jerusalem oak. One of the best activities that can be done in Hebron is shopping, specifically in the old town market, which contains various types of goods and the finest antiques and unique and locally made souvenirs. The city is famous for its vineyards, which are distinguished by their unique taste, which gave the city a special beauty.