United Kingdom Travel: Best Things to Do in United Kingdom

Tourism in United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain is a unique country made up of many states, including England, Scotland, part of Ireland and Wales, and more than 1,000 small islands. A parliamentary constitutional monarchy that has maintained the tradition of the royal throne for hundreds of years. This country is also characterized as an island bordered by water in all directions. It is one of the most economically powerful countries in the world. The population of the United Kingdom speaks English, but the dialects vary by region, and the population of the Kingdom is approximately 66 million people. It is a relatively cool country preferably visited in the summer months. In addition to all that, Britain is famous for its beautiful nature, as during the winter a lot of rain falls on it, which in turn creates amazing natural manifestations, including many forests, rivers, lakes, and waterfalls. And if you want to visit the Kingdom in the winter, there are many ski resorts that you can spend your vacation in.