Owner : Jiwan Kang Source : Google Maps
Owner : Andrew chiu Source : Google Maps
Owner : Kuan Hing Source : Google Maps

مطعم هونغداي داكغالبي Safarway Property

Hongdae Dakgalbi

Open Now 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
south-korea, seoul
32 2F Hongik-ro 3-gil, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Owner : Jiwan Kang Source : Google Maps
Owner : Andrew chiu Source : Google Maps
Owner : Kuan Hing Source : Google Maps

Information about Hongdae Dakgalbi

features Hongdae Dakgalbi

Hongdae Dakgalbi features

Indoor Seating
Suitable for groups



Asian Cuisine
Local Cuisine
Steaks & Grills

Nearby Attractions

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