Owner : Alex Kovalchuk Source : Google Maps
Owner : Michał Szołtysek Source : Google Maps
Owner : Wojciech Kałamarz Source : Google Maps

كنيسة القديس أندرو كراكوف Safarway Property

St. Andrew's Church, Kraków

poland, krakow
Grodzka 54, 31-044 Kraków, Poland
Owner : Alex Kovalchuk Source : Google Maps
Owner : Michał Szołtysek Source : Google Maps
Owner : Wojciech Kałamarz Source : Google Maps

Information about St. Andrew's Church, Kraków

features St. Andrew's Church, Kraków

St. Andrew's Church, Kraków features

Suitable for children
Indoor Seating
Suitable for groups
Outdoor Seating
Free Entry
Parking Available
Wheelchair Accessible



Churches & Monasteries

Nearby Attractions

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