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Visby Island is located in the Guatland region in southern Sweden. The city consists of two destinations, one of which is ancient and historical, and the other section is modern, representing the modern Swedish civilization. The city is surrounded by an ancient wall dating back to the thirteenth century AD. It is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Sweden, especially in the summer, as it witnesses great crowding, and the city is a beautiful tourist destination also in the winter for lovers of comfort and tranquility, as it is a quiet and convenient place. The city is characterized by colorful houses with a unique architectural style and decorated with flowers. The city contains ancient churches, which date back to the twelfth century. The city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. One of the most beautiful activities that you must do in Visby is to roam the city on foot and explore and enjoy its wonderful details. The city provides the best restaurants, hotels and shopping centers for tourists.
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