Pemilik : 西三旗弗洛伊德 Sumber : Google Maps
Pemilik : Sy Guzman Sumber : Google Maps
Pemilik : S Guy Sumber : Google Maps

المتحف الدولي لعلوم الجراحة Safarway Property

International Museum of Surgical Science

Tutup Sekarang
united-states, chicago
1524 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
Pemilik : 西三旗弗洛伊德 Sumber : Google Maps
Pemilik : Sy Guzman Sumber : Google Maps
Pemilik : S Guy Sumber : Google Maps

Informasi tentang International Museum of Surgical Science

fitur International Museum of Surgical Science

International Museum of Surgical Science fitur

Suitable for children
Suitable for groups
Free Wifi
Wheelchair Accessible



Science Museums

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